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З. Я. Павлишин


DOI: 10.32702/2306-6814.2018.24.119

УДК: 35.07

З. Я. Павлишин



Статтю присвячено необхідності удосконалення апарату державного управління шляхом залучення новітніх технологій. На теперішній час відбувається інтенсивне впровадження електронного урядування в державний апарат країни, що дозволяє ефективніше провадити управління. Головною особливістю такої форми правління можна назвати залучення великої кількості новітніх комп'ютерних програм, які дають змогу кожній державній інституції отримувати, зберігати та обробляти необхідний обсяг інформації. Кожна галузь правління як загальної влади, так і органи місцевого самоврядування мають доступ до тієї інформації, яка необхідна саме їм. Систематизація і певна фільтрація даних дозволить оптимізувати роботи кожної ланки уряду. Ефективне використання інноваційних комп'ютерних технологій, що є формою державного управління понятійно відображаються у створенні електронного уряду.

Ключові слова: ІТ; електронні технології; інформаційні технології; механізм державного управління; електронний уряд; інформаційне суспільство; електронні послуги; державна політика; інформаційні технології; держава; державне управління; врядування; державна політика; органи державної влади; органи місцевого самоврядування; інформація; механізми державного регулювання; електронна демократія; державна служба; правове регулювання; державна регіональна політика; інформаційні технології; традиційний уряд.


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Z. Pavlyshyn



The article deals to the need to improve the state administration apparatus through the use of the latest technologies.
The intensive development of advanced technologies and global computerization, which began at the end of the last century, become an encouragement to new discoveries and developments. The most important of these achievements can be confidently called the development of the Internet.
The concept of e-government is defined as a form of public administration, which is based on the effective use of innovative computer technologies.
The introduction of this model of functioning of the state government has several basic functions:
— To improve communication between government and society;
— The desire to bring the government to a more transparent level and control the work of the state apparatus;
— Optimizing the work of the government and enabling every citizen to receive the necessary service and information.
The introduction of electronic technologies opens up new opportunities for the government to:
— Improvement communication between government and society;
— Work openness of the state administration;
— Saving of financial and time resources for operations;
— Development of science;
— Development of the state economy;
— Permanent access to government work will reduce corruption;
— To provide the development of e-democracy;
— Constant work of the government. The electronic government works 24 hours per day;
— Social equality and impartiality in the provision of services;
— Protection of personal data.
Despite the large number of advantages and opening up new opportunities for the work of the state administration, the main problem is the realization of the reform of the ordinary government in e-goverment. The reason is in that the first preparatory stages are needed a large amount of budget money on the purchase of the necessary technologies and programs, to conduct training among public servants and to enable citizens to receive the necessary knowledge free of charge.
That is, in order to increase the budget of the country in the future, it is necessary to remove a large sum for technical maintenance of e-government.
In addition to the financial difficulties that arise at the stage of implementing changes in the state apparatus, is the organization of executive bodies that will be responsible for the modernization of power.
In nowadays, the intensive implementation of e-government in the state apparatus of the country is taking place.
An important aspect and step in the introduction of electronic innovators is the creation of the State Agency for e-Governance in Ukraine. The October 2014, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the main provisions of the activities of this committee. In 2016, some changes were made to his work.
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the Concept of e-Government Development in Ukraine, which will define the main goals, priority directions and development measures up to 2020. The order was adopted by the Government at a meeting on September 20, 2017.
Thanks to use of the modern technologies and the mastering of the latest programming, the use of the latest blockading technology has been implemented, with the help of which from September 2017 the system of state electronic trading of arrested property CETAM is already operating electronically.
According to the project of this concept of e-governance, the Register of Property Rights and the State Service of Ukraine's Land Registry and Cadastre are undergoing modernization.
In the main project of the Concept of the development of e-government, three main directions can be singled out with the use of the latest technologies:
— Service industry;
— Executive power;
— E-government management bodies.
Analyzing the main principles and objectives of involving government in the work of such instruments as e-government, one can conclude that the change of the work of the state authority into an electronic format will enable the cooperation of the citizen and the authorities to a new level. Ukraine is already making first steps towards optimizing and modernizing the government. Due to this, every citizen of the country will be able to receive true and up-to-date information about the activity of the authorities, its transparency and expediency of using the budget. Thanks to e-government, the development of small and medium-sized businesses will enter a new international level. Simplification of the system of obtaining documents and permits to create a private business that will surely contribute to raising the level of the economy and improving the lives of the population. The first stages of the modernization of state power already have a positive effect and great influence on the prompt and efficient reception and processing of the necessary information, speeding up the processing of such important documents as visas, passports, diplomas, letters, patents, passports, medical cards, driving licenses and other document.
With the development of e-democracy, processes like elections are becoming a transparent and honest event, which strengthens and increases the level of public confidence in officials.

Keywords: IT; E-technology; information technology; government regulation mechanisms; E-government; information society; e-services; public policy; information technology; nation; state government; governance; public policy; public authorities; local governments; information; the mechanism of public administration; e-democracy; civil service; legal regulation; state regional policy; information technology; traditional government.


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№ 24 2018, стор. 119 - 124

Рубрика: Державне управління

Дата публікації: 2018-12-28

Кількість переглядів: 1689

Відомості про авторів

З. Я. Павлишин

здобувач, Львівський регіональний інститут державного управління Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України, керівник інформаційного агентства "Медіастар" — директор ТОВ "Холдинг "МедіаСтар", м. Львів

Z. Pavlyshyn

the applicant of Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, head of the Information Agency "Mediastar" — Director of Holding "Mediastar", Lviv

Як цитувати статтю

Павлишин З. Я. Електронне урядування як інструмент модернізації державного управління. Інвестиції: практика та досвід. 2018. № 24. С. 119–124. DOI: 10.32702/2306-6814.2018.24.119

Pavlyshyn, Z. (2018), “E-government as an instrument for modernizing public administration”, Investytsiyi: praktyka ta dosvid, vol. 24, pp. 119–124. DOI: 10.32702/2306-6814.2018.24.119

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