Л. П. Куліш
DOI: 10.32702/2306-6814.2019.1.42
УДК: 631.147:339.187(477)
Л. П. Куліш
Розкрито основні принципи функціонування органічного сільського господарства та його сучасний стан в Україні. Характерні особливості розвитку органічного сільського господарства в Україні та показано його місце на світовому ринку органічної продукції. Висвітлено проблеми та перспективи розвитку цього напряму сільського господарства. Досліджено роль органічного виробництва у розвитку національної економіки та визначено основні принципи органічного виробництва сільськогосподарської продукції.
Проаналізовано перспективи конкурентоспроможності України у сфері виробництва та реалізації органічної продукції на світовому ринку. Виявлено основні проблеми, що стримують розвиток виробництва та реалізації органічної продукції в Україні. Розглянуто основні підходи до державної підтримки виробництва та реалізації органічної продукції. Визначено подальші перспективи розвитку органічного виробництва в Україні.
Ключові слова: національна економіка; органічне виробництво; органічна продукція; державна підтримка; конкурентоспроможність.
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L. Kulish
The article clarifies that increasing the efficiency of agricultural production while simultaneously reducing the anthropogenic load of the environment and natural resources can be achieved on the basis of the development of organic production as an alternative management model. Unlike other methods of agricultural management, organic production is based on the use of resource-saving technologies, minimization of mechanical processing of soil and the elimination of the use of synthetic substances.
The priority direction for organic agriculture is the use of materials and technologies that improve the ecological balance in natural systems and promote the creation of sustainable and balanced agro-ecological systems. In organic production, compliance of the organic system of agriculture and agricultural products with certain standards is ensured, which makes it possible to label products accordingly and to sell them as organic.
The article clarifies that increasing the efficiency of agricultural production while simultaneously reducing the anthropogenic load of the environment and natural resources can be achieved on the basis of the development of organic production as an alternative management model. Unlike other methods of agricultural management, organic production is based on the use of resource-saving technologies, minimization of mechanical processing of soil and the elimination of the use of synthetic substances. The priority direction for organic agriculture is the use of materials and technologies that improve the ecological balance in natural systems and promote the creation of sustainable and balanced agro-ecological systems. In organic production, compliance of the organic system of agriculture and agricultural products with certain standards is ensured, which makes it possible to label products accordingly and to sell them as organic.
The author reveals the basic principles of functioning of organic agriculture and its current state in Ukraine. The spatial differences in the development of organic agriculture in Ukraine are researched and its place on the world organic market is shown. The problems and prospects of development of this branch of agriculture are highlighted. The role of organic production in the development of the national economy and the basic principles of organic production of agricultural products are determined.
The level of competitiveness of Ukraine in the field of production and sales of organic products in the European space has been analyzed. The main problems that restrain the development of production and sale of organic products in Ukraine are revealed. The main approaches to state financial support for the production and sale of organic products are considered. Further prospects of organic production in Ukraine are determined.
The author determines that the development of the organic market in Ukraine is one of the priority directions of agricultural development. Possessing favorable conditions for organic agriculture, including size of the country, geographical location, proximity to potential export markets, large territory with fertile soils, has achieved certain results in the development of its own organic production. The development of organic production has a number of obvious competitive environmental, economic and social benefits. Requirements for organic agriculture include not only compliance with environmental norms of cleanliness of products, but also the environment. It provides a balanced state of the ecological system, which is the basis for the sustainable development of the economic and social spheres. Ecological food products do not have a negative impact on the environment and public health, but, on the contrary, contribute to it. Organic agriculture is more cost effective than traditional by eliminating losses of agricultural products in the closed cycle of production, the release of enormous amounts of natural reserves. The social benefits of organic production include creating additional jobs in rural areas and new prospects for small and medium-sized farms, and increasing the viability of rural communities.
It has been established that organic production is more likely to have advantages in general for society, and not just for a specific organic producer. Therefore, in order to ensure the efficiency of organic production, state support in the form of subsidies is required for the economic stimulation of the introduction of organic production by providing tax and credit benefits to enterprises that implement organic production and processing of organic products, the exemption of landowners and land users who produce organic products from land payments, and land plots where the production or processing of organic certified products is organized. The production of organic products in Ukraine is a new, but extremely promising direction that can increase the competitiveness of agricultural products, significantly improve the country's image on the world stage, contribute to the development of market infrastructure and sustainable development of the country as a whole.
Keywords: national economy; organic production; organic products; competitiveness; state aid.
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№ 1 2019, стор. 42 - 46
Рубрика: Економіка
Дата публікації: 2019-01-15
Кількість переглядів: 1275