DOI: 10.32702/2306-6814.2019.23.70
УДК: 338.439
Н. В. Яремчук
У статті розкрито сутність поняття "продовольча безпека" та обгрунтовано її основоположну роль у забезпеченні економічної, а отже, і національної безпеки держави.
Наголошено на різниці у підходах до оцінки продовольчої безпеки Продовольчої та сільськогосподарської організації ООН та України.
Здійснено оцінку стану продовольчої безпеки на рівні країни на основі використання "Методики визначення основних індикаторів продовольчої безпеки", яка затверджена Постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 05.12.2007 р. Розраховано індикатори достатності споживання за окремими продуктами і зроблено висновок про незбалансованість харчування населення. Встановлено, що доступність продуктів харчування обмежується, насамперед, низькою платоспроможністю громадян. Результатами дослідження в динаміці доведено, що внутрішній продовольчий ринок мало залежить від імпортованих продуктів харчування, за винятком лише таких продовольчих груп, як "фрукти, ягоди та виноград" і "риба та рибопродукти".
Запропоновано доповнити перелік індикаторів продовольчої безпеки таким показником, як "рівень якості та безпечності продуктів харчування" з переліком показників, за якими може бути оцінений цей індикатор.
Наголошено на необхідності підвищення якісних характеристик харчування населення та окреслено основні причини зниження якості харчової продукції.
Ключові слова: продовольча безпека; національна безпека; продукти харчування; аграрний сектор; доступність; достатність споживання; імпортозалежність; якість харчування.
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N. Yaremchuk
The article covers the essence of the concept of "food safety" and justifies its fundamental role in ensuring the economic, and therefore national security of the state.
The need for each person in nutrients and energy is one of the basic physiological needs, the provision of which is an unconditional commitment of the state operating on the principles of the Constitution. The presence of a global world hunger problem places Ukraine, as a state with powerful potential resources, in a challenge and at the same time makes it possible to demonstrate itself as a worthy and competitive player in the global food market.
According to the Cabinet of Ministers Resolution №1379, the main indicators of food security of Ukraine include:
1) the daily energy value of a human diet, which is defined as the sum of products of the unit of mass of individual types of products consumed by man during the day, and their energy value.
2) ensuring human ration of the main types of products, which is defined as the ratio between the actual consumption of a single product and its rational norm.
3) the sufficiency of grain stocks in state resources, which is defined as the ratio between the volumes of food grain in the state food reserve and the volumes of domestic consumption of bread and grain products by the population in terms of grain. The threshold (threshold) criterion for this indicator is its 17% level, which corresponds to 60 days of consumption.
4) economic availability of products, which is defined as the share of aggregate food costs in aggregate total household expenses. The threshold (threshold) criterion for this indicator is its 60% level.
5) the differentiation of the cost of food by social groups, which is monitored in dynamics and calculated as the ratio between the cost of food 20% of the households with the highest incomes and the cost of food 20% of households with the lowest income.
6) the capacity of the internal market of individual products, which is reflected in the dynamics and is defined in kind as a product of consumption of a certain product and the average annual population.
7) food independence for a particular product, which is defined as the ratio between the volume of imports of a single product in its natural state and the capacity of its domestic market. The threshold (threshold) criterion for this indicator is its 30% level
In Ukraine, the food consumption rate of 55% of the daily ration due to the consumption of products of animal origin is not fulfilled. For the whole period under study, it did not exceed 29% and there was a further decline in this indicator. Consequently, about 71% of the total energy balance of the population comes from the plant products. According to the data of Table 2 in 2017, in Ukraine, for most basic types of food, actual consumption was lower than rationale norms, and in such commodity groups as meat, milk, fish and fruit-berries were below the minimum rates of consumption established by the Ministry of Health.
Of Ukraine: 35% for meat, 47% for dairy products, 46% for fish. At the same time there is a gradual increase in potato consumption.
The level of income of citizens is one of the main indicators of economic availability of food. The limit of the economic availability indicator is 60%. In 2015, it was 53.1%. In 2017, the figure improved to 47.9%, but still its value remains the lowest among the European countries.
The largest differentiation in consumption within the upper and lower quintiles is traced to products of animal origin: meat (1.71), milk and dairy products (1.63), fish (1.5) and fruit and berry group (2.04 times )
However, the value of the idicator of import dependence exceeds the maximum permissible 30 per cent criterion in three groups. The highest level of import dependence is characteristic for the group "fish and fish products" — 73.5%, which is explained by the partial lack of certain natural resources (access to maritime economic zones). The next group is the group "oil" — an increase of 18% of the limit. This situation is due to the import of palm and coconut oils, which have found an active application in the domestic commodity producer in the food industry. But the excess of the indicator for the group "fruits, berries and grapes" is explained by the import of significant volumes of exotic fruits, which are not cultivating for the climatic zones of Ukraine.
Every year, farmers take all the necessary measures to help them get lavish crops. The use of pesticides and agrochemicals has long been the norm of the reproduction process in the agrarian sector. Pesticides, actively fighting with various pests, with careful study, reveal either mutagenic or other negative effects on wildlife and humans. 90% of all fungicides, 60% of herbicides and 30% of inoxycids are carcinogenic, that is, they can cause cancer and are extremely toxic to the environment. There are alternatives to using pesticides in the world, which are no less effective but more environmentally friendly.
The main reasons for the deterioration of the quality of food products are:
— low level of sanitary and industrial culture;
— use of raw materials of unsatisfactory quality and low cost in production processes;
— Inefficiencies in the functioning of the markets for agricultural products;
— lack of quality and safety in the production process due to the lack of control and systematic supervision of the production process by the competent control authorities;
— inconsistency of the food safety system of the European Union.
The current state of affairs indicates the inappropriate use of the agricultural potential of the country to produce the necessary volumes of agricultural raw materials and foodstuffs and the lack of socio-economic development of the country.
Keywords: food security; national security; food; agrarian sector; availability; adequancy of consumption; import dependence; food quality.
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№ 23 2019, стор. 70 - 79
Рубрика: Економіка
Дата публікації: 2019-12-19
Кількість переглядів: 1042