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Д. В. Бізонич


DOI: 10.32702/2306-6814.2021.7.49

УДК: 351.071

Д. В. Бізонич



У статті розглядається досвід публічного управління в сфері організації житлово-комунального господарства, а саме: вирішення проблем водозабезпечення в таких країнах, як Польща, Канада, Франція. Основна увага приділена рівням публічного управління в сфері організації водопостачання, наголошено на важливості муніципального управління та наданні більш широких можливостей для управління водозабезпеченням та створення більш гнучких систем управління. На національному рівні переважно здійснюється уніфікація тарифів та послуг, вироблення єдиних та прозорих вимог щодо формування тарифної політики в країні, основні умови стандартизації та сертифікації води та систем водозабезпечення, формування та удосконалення екологічних стандартів та вимог. В Україні на начальних етапах реформування та децентралізації важливо надалі виробити такі ж гнучкі підходи щодо організації та управління водопостачанням та ЖКГ загалом.

Ключові слова: публічне управління; державне регулювання; тарифи; водозабезпечення; водовідведення; житлово-комунальне господарство; муніципалітет; місцеве самоврядування.


1. Пальчук В. ОТГ напрацьовують досвід з житлово-комунальних послуг [Електронний ресурс] / В. Пальчук // Україна: події, факти, коментарі. — 2019. — № 7. — С. 60—69. — Режим доступу: http://nbuviap.gov.ua/images/ukraine/2019/ukr7.pdf. — Назва з екрану.
2. Barraquе B. and Le Bris C. Water sector regulation in France. CESifo DICE Report Journal for Institutional Comparisons. 2007. Vol. 5 (2). Рp.4—12.
3. Bommelaer O. and Devaux J. Financing Water Resources Management in France (January 2012 update), Collection "Еtudes et documents" of the Department for the Economics, Assessment and Integration of Sustainable Development (Service de l'Еconomie, de l'Еvaluation et de l'Intеgration du Dеveloppement Durable, SEEIDD) in the Department of the Commissioner-General for Sustainable Development (Commissariat Gеnеral au Dеveloppement Durable, CGDD). 2012.
4. Cameron D. The Relationship Between Different Ownership and Management Regimes and Drinking Water Safety (Issue Paper prepared for the Walkerton Inquiry, August 2001). URL: http://www.walkertoninquiry.com/part2info/commissuepapers/11cameron/cameron.pdf
5. Drinking Water Protection Regulation O.Reg 459/00. URL: http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/envision/WaterReg/WaterReg.htm
6. European Union Portal (2012) Member countries — France [online]. URL: http://europa.eu/abouteu/countries/member-countries/france/index_en.htm
7. Eurostat (2011). Regions in the European Union, Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics NUTS 2010/EU-27
8. Government of Quebec, Regulation respecting the quality of drinking water, June 2000. URL: http://www.menv.gouv.qc.ca/eau/potable/index.en.htm
9. Hommes L., Veldwisch G.J., Harris, L.M. Evolving connections, discourses and identities in rural-urban water struggles. Water International. 2019. 44 (2).
10. Hommes L., Boelens R., Harris L.M. and Gert Jan Veldwisch. Rural-urban water struggles: urbanizing hydrosocial territories and evolving connections, discourses and identities. Water International. 2019. 44 (2). 81—94.
11. McFarlane K. and Harris L. Small systems, big challenges: Review of small drinking water system governance. Environmental Reviews. 2018.
12. OECD Economic Survey of Canada, August 2000.
13. The Hon. D.R. O'Connor, Commissioner Report of the Walkerton Inquiry: Part One (Toronto: Queen's Printer for Ontario, January 2002).
14. Water Liberalization Scenarios, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development European Commission Community Research, pp. 21— 64.
15. West K. Inter-Municipal Cooperation in France: Incentives, Instrumentality and Empty Shells. In: Hulst R. and van Montfort A., eds. Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Europe. Springer Netherlands. 2007. Рp. 67— 90.
16. Winkler A. Saint-Еtienne City Report. CASEreport, Centre for analysis of social exclusion (CASE), An ESRC Research Centre. 2007.

D. Bizonych



The article deals with the experience of public administration in the field of housing and communal services in solving water supply problems in such countries as Poland, Canada and France. The focus is on the levels of public administration in the field of water supply organization, emphasizing the importance of municipal management and providing greater opportunities for water management and the creation of more flexible management systems. At the national level, tariffs and services, standardization and certification conditions, water distribution and environmental standards and requirements are mainly regulated.
In these countries various state water supply programs are adopted in accordance with local development conditions. The exchange of knowledge, data, ideas and technologies is extremely important in the international cooperation. Methods of data collection, technology, system information, technical information and water supply and sewerage tariffs are usually developed at the local level, but can be improved by studying and using the experience of other countries.
Although water resources are rich and inexhaustible, the use of water still requires the development of optimal infrastructure, which has both initial and maintenance costs. The growth of various infectious and oncological diseases, lack of food and quality water indicate problems in the management of housing and communal services regarding water supply and organization of water infrastructure.
Based on the analysis of foreign experience of three countries Canada, France and Poland, we can conclude that the vast majority of all powers and basic functions for water supply and organization of this type of utilities are assigned to the local level. The role of the national level or government is to ensure tariff policy, regulation of drinking water quality and safety standards and for technical needs, environmental safety, and so on. Instead, all other issues are entrusted to the municipal level — the organization of services, development and maintenance of water supply and sewerage networks, management to obtain profitability of the water supply company. А fairly broad management mechanism, the right to choose the most acceptable forms of government for each type of community is available. In Ukraine, at the stage of UTG transformation, these mechanisms aren't yet developed, there is no legal basis to ensure this diversity of forms and methods in the management and provision of water supply and sewerage, which requires further study.

Keywords: public administration; state regulation; tariffs; water supply; sewerage; housing and communal services; municipality; local self-government.


1. Pal'chuk, V. (2019), Ukraina: podii, fakty, komentari, vol. 7, pp. 60—69, available at: http://nbuviap.gov.ua/images/ukraine/2019/ukr7.pdf (Accessed 20 March 2021).
2. Barraquе, B. and Le Bris, C. (2007), "Water sector regulation in France", CESifo DICE Report Journal for Institutional Comparisons, Vol. 5 (2), pp.4—12.
3. Bommelaer, O. and Devaux, J. (2012), "Financing Water Resources Management in France", Collection "Еtudes et documents" of the Department for the Economics, Assessment and Integration of Sustainable Development (Service de l'Еconomie, de l'еvaluation et de l'Intеgration du Dеveloppement Durable, SEEIDD) in the Department of the Commissioner-General for Sustainable Development (Commissariat Gеnеral au Dеveloppement Durable, CGDD).
4. Cameron, D. (2001), "The Relationship Between Different Ownership and Management Regimes and Drinking Water Safety", Issue Paper prepared for the Walkerton Inquiry, available at: http://www.walkertoninquiry.com/part2info/commissuepapers/11cameron/cameron.pdf (Accessed 20 March 2021).
5. Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (2000), "Drinking Water Protection Regulation O.Reg 459/00", available at: http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/envision/WaterReg/WaterReg.htm (Accessed 20 March 2021).
6. European Union Portal (2012), "Member countries — France", [online], available at: http://europa.eu/abouteu/countries/member-countries/france/index_en.htm (Accessed 20 March 2021).
7. Eurostat (2011), "Regions in the European Union", Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics NUTS 2010/EU-27, Eurostat.
8. Government of Quebec (2000), "Regulation respecting the quality of drinking water", available at: http://www.menv.gouv.qc.ca/eau/potable/index.en.htm (Accessed 20 March 2021).
9. Hommes, L. Veldwisch, G.J. and Harris, L.M. (2019), "Evolving connections, discourses and identities in rural-urban water struggles", Water International, vol. 44 (2).
10. Hommes, L. Boelens, R. Harris, L.M. and Veldwisch, G. J. (2019), "Rural-urban water struggles: urbanizing hydrosocial territories and evolving connections, discourses and identities", Water International, vol. 44 (2), pp. 81—94.
11. McFarlane, K. and Harris, L. (2018), "Small systems, big challenges: Review of small drinking water system governance", Environmental Reviews, vol. 26 (4).
12. OECD (2000), Economic Survey of Canada, OECD, Paris, France.
13. O'Connor, D.R. (2002), Commissioner Report of the Walkerton Inquiry: Part One, Queen's Printer for Ontario, Toronto, Canada.
14. European Commission (2005), "Water Liberalization Scenarios", Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development European Commission Community Research, pp. 21—64.
15. West, K. (2007), "Inter-Municipal Cooperation in France: Incentives, Instrumentality and Empty Shells", Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Europe. Springer Netherlands, pp.67—90.
16. Winkler, A. (2007), Saint-Еtienne City Report. CASEreport, Centre for analysis of social exclusion (CASE), An ESRC Research Centre.

№ 7 2021, стор. 49 - 55

Рубрика: Державне управління

Дата публікації: 2021-04-15

Кількість переглядів: 748

Відомості про авторів

Д. В. Бізонич

к. т. н., директор ТОВ "Еталонтехсервіс", м. Харків, Україна

D. Bizonych

PhD in Technical Sciences, Director of "Etalontechservice" LLC, Kharkiv, Ukraine



Як цитувати статтю

Бізонич Д. В. Досвід канади, франції та польщі в організації державного управління у сфері жкг: вирішення проблем водозабезпечення. Інвестиції: практика та досвід. 2021. № 7. С. 49–55. DOI: 10.32702/2306-6814.2021.7.49

Bizonych, D. (2021), “The experience of canada, france and poland in the organization of public administration in the field of housing: solving water supply problems”, Investytsiyi: praktyka ta dosvid, vol. 7, pp. 49–55. DOI: 10.32702/2306-6814.2021.7.49

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